Welcome to the world, Griffin!

Little Griffin Von was born on February 14 which was his guess date. Babies born on their guess date is really rather rare, in fact, less than 5% of babies are born on their “due dates”. And interestingly enough, Valentine’s Day is actually the most common birthday in the first half of the year! Even though little Griffin had a c-section scheduled for his due date, with some divine intervention, it got moved to February 15th. This was a blessing because Griffin’s mama really had wanted to go into spontaneous labor and she was excited to have an extra day to let him cook — this gave her extra time to go into labor spontaneously which meant a better chance at a VBAC.

Well, beautiful things happen every day, folks. And on this day, her labor started spontaneously. I got the call in the morning before 8am that this was it! Never doubt your body or your innate gift of birth. You can do it. Even with all the “risks” or “odds”, you are capable of wonderful things.

Long story short, Griffin’s birth was beautiful. It was a redemption story. It was a beautiful natural VBAC birth and such a beautiful way for his mama to say “I did it” to something she really had really wanted.

Birth is beautiful, it really is. But it is absolute magic when a mother is able to connect so deeply to her own innate power, trust her body’s capabilities, and surrender to the birth that she and her baby need. What an honor to witness such magic.

To chat more about doula or birth photography services, please email me at hello@zeacorrinne.com


Anna Koosmann and the Marquis Who’s Who Magazine Cover


The Motherhood Series