The Motherhood Series
The Motherhood Series
An opportunity to see your endless love show up for them in all its own extraordinary ordinary ways.
This concept “The Motherhood Series” really started to take shape in January of this year as I thought about all the seemingly mundane but significant moments that we, as mothers, partake in every day. Their significance really stems from the rather insignificance of in the moment though. Oftentimes, during family sessions, especially in-home sessions, if you slow down enough you get to hear about all the ‘whys’ behind the funny things that are the current ‘norm’ in your family.
The photos that I wouldn’t necessarily have included because they seem like a random moment or “not important” are suddenly a perfect little timestamp for this stage of life. And therefore, of the utmost importance.
It’s the “oh, yes, that’s the special chapstick spot” or “that’s his favorite cup but never two days in a row” or “we have an emotional attachment to cheese puffs this week, so that’s half our lunch now”.
It’s the tiny way that they hold on to a spoon. Or it’s the petite squat when they’re working on something serious. It’s the way that you can see them trying to take up as much space as they can to be seen. Or the quiet way that they snuggle into your arms when it’s safe to relax.
It’s the meal times, the bath times, the story times, the snack times, the play times, the tickle fights, the hugs, and the kisses, the dress-up moments… everything. All the extra-ordinary, we-do-this-every-day… until one day, you don’t… moments.
And it’s those moments that I want you to keep forever.
There is a time and a place for the perfect family photo where everyone is looking. Odds are, that’s the one that gets printed and framed or stamped and mailed every holiday season. But there is also a time and a place for the ordinary, extraordinary, moments that pass us by before we’ve even realized they came and went. It’s a fleeting moment in their childhood and it’s a gentle glimpse at the mom you are right now. Those are the photos for you and for them.
It’s an opportunity to see yourself through their eyes. To see your endless love show up for them in all its own extraordinary ordinary ways.
So, if you want to capture this moment in time, as a mom, let’s go. Roughly 90-minutes for your photo session where I tag along during any of your favorite parts of your day, your Thursday routine, or favorite family activity. You name it, I’m there. Your pancake breakfast on Saturday? A Wednesday afternoon making muffins? Baking the birthday cake? Making your favorite family dinner? Chores around the house? Playing in the yard? Pretend-play or building blocks or traintracks or legos…Let’s do it. Let’s preserve this magically mundane and truly-beautiful stage of motherhood.